The Benefits of Invisalign®: A Clear Alternative to Traditional Braces

As your dedicated Invisalign® dentist in Beaverton, Oregon, the team at Hillside Dental Care & Facial Aesthetics is committed to providing a comprehensive range of services tailored to help you achieve a radiant and healthy smile that truly represents your unique personality. Led by Dr. Elise Braxmeyer and Dr. Gwen Hryciw, our experienced team prioritizes building long-term relationships with our patients based on compassion, respect, and a genuine concern for their overall well-being.

Join us as we delve into the benefits of selecting us for your clear aligner treatment needs. Explore how our discreet, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing Invisalign® services can work wonders for your smile with efficiency and expertise. Trust the team at Hillside Dental Care & Facial Aesthetics to guide you on the transformative journey towards a beautifully aligned smile. Let's embark on this smile-enhancing adventure together, boosting your confidence every step of the way.

woman putting on invisalign

Discreet Treatment

As your Invisalign® dentist in Beaverton, Oregon, we offer a discreet solution for straightening your teeth. The virtually invisible aligners ensure a subtle teeth-straightening experience without the presence of traditional braces.

woman putting on invisalign

Comfort and Convenience

When you choose us as your Invisalign® dentist in Beaverton, you'll benefit from custom-made aligners that prioritize your comfort. You’ll be able to enjoy the convenience of removable Invisalign® aligners that make oral hygiene maintenance and mealtime hassle-free.

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Enhanced Aesthetics

Since Invisalign® aligners are clear, they are almost invisible to the naked eye. Our Invisalign® services allow you to smile confidently throughout your teeth-straightening journey without compromising on appearance.

woman putting on invisalign

Efficient Results

We strive to deliver efficient results by conducting a thorough evaluation of your current teeth placement as well as your goals. This allows us to ensure your teeth gradually and gently shift into alignment for a beautifully straight smile.

Contact Our Beaverton Invisalign® Dentists

Ready to transform your smile with Invisalign®? Schedule a consultation with your trusted Invisalign® dentist in Beaverton, Oregon, at Hillside Dental Care & Facial Aesthetics today. Let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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